Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Old Man and The Sea Post 6

Title: The Old Man and The Sea
Author: Ernest Hemingway
Genre: Classical

The best part of this partner read is that when i didnt understand something i would ask my partner. So the best part would be the understanding. My mom, my partner, says that she liked this project because she got to take part in one of my projects. She also liked it because she liked that i liked one of her favorite books. Her experiences were "great."

The Old Man in The Sea is a really great book. I highly recommend this book. That is all i have to say about the book, it was really fantastic and indulging.


  1. hahah I like ho you said your mom's experiance was "great" but yes i also agree with you that when you dont understand anything you can ask your partner and it helps a lot. I had a similar experiance with what my mom said too about being able tp paticipate in a project wth me

  2. For me, the being able to talk about the novel was the best part of the partner reading too, and I like that you chose one of your mum's favorite novels. Where is your actual summary of the book though?

  3. That was my favorite part to. If i didn't understand a part of the book or a word she would help me out with it.

  4. it was short but good, I agree, talking with your partner not only will make you finish the project but you guys can help each other and spend some time together. So what happened at the end of your story though?

  5. I really like that you enjoyed the book however you should add a summary of the part of the book your read. Also I do agree with asking your partner about something you don't understand, and this allows you to understand the book a lot better in a different way that you usually wouldn't.
