Saturday, March 2, 2013

Blog #5

Title: Oliver Twist
Author: Charles Dickens
Genre: Classic
Pages: 360

I am sticking to the plan with my mom and we're reading 2 chapters per week, except this week when we read 4 chapters to be a bit ahead and finihe the book faster. So we read chapters 13 and 14 and here is what happened:

Fagin erupts into a rage when the Dodger and Charley return without Oliver. Fagin tosses a pot of beer at Charley, but the pot hits Bill Sikes instead. Sikes is a rough, cruel man who makes his living by robbing houses. They resolve to find Oliver before he reveals their operation to the authorities, and persuade Nancy to go to the police station to find out what happened to him. Nancy dresses in nice clothing, and at the police station she pretends to be Oliver’s distraught sister. She learns that the gentleman from whom the handkerchief was stolen took Oliver home with him to the neighborhood of Pentonville, because the boy had fallen ill during the trial. Fagin sends Charley, Jack, and Nancy to Pentonville to find Oliver. Fagin decides to relocate his operation for the night and fills his pockets with the watches and jewelry from the hidden box after Charley, Nancy, and Jack leave.When Oliver next enters the housekeeper’s room, he notices that the portrait of the lady whom he resembles is gone. Mrs. Bedwin says that Brownlow removed it because it seemed to worry Oliver. One day, Brownlow sends for Oliver to meet him in his study. Assuming that Brownlow means to send him away, Oliver begs to remain as a servant. Brownlow assures Oliver that he wishes to be Oliver’s friend. He asks Oliver to tell him his history. Before Oliver can begin, Brownlow’s friend, Mr. Grimwig, arrives to visit. Grimwig, a crotchety old man, hints that Oliver might be a boy of bad habits. Brownlow bears his friend’s eccentricity with good humor. Mrs. Bedwin brings in a parcel of books delivered by the bookstall keeper’s boy. Brownlow wishes to send his payment and some returns back with the boy, but he has already gone. Grimwig suggests that Brownlow send Oliver but hints that Oliver might steal the payment and the books. Wishing to prove Grimwig wrong, Brownlow sends Oliver on the errand. It grows dark and Oliver does not return.

How would you describe the author's use of language in this novel? 

The author's use of language in this novel is very powerful. Many words I don't understand, but to get a better view of the novel I search them up or if I am not next to a dictionary, I try to understand the word through the sentence. The amazing use of language in this novel drags the reader more into the book.

Do you each enjoy how it is used? 

My mom and I both love the way he uses the language. It makes the book very powerful and we both enjoy reading it.

Have you learned a new vocabulary word while reading this novel? 

i have learned many, sometimes just through trying to figure out what the word means myself or searching it in a dictionary. Books are meant to teach you different things, not only through the message, but also through vocabulary. I know more words that I would definitely use in my everyday life. 


  1. I've learned many new vocabulary words thorough my book as well and I think it's great how you both do as well! Really cool blog post!

  2. I really like your post and the summary is very long and descriptive. Also I agree that the a book should teach you many things including the vocabulary.

  3. I read a short version of this book when I was younger, and I watched the movie, and I really like both. The language is really good in the book, but it was confusing at first when I read it (I was maybe 6). Good blog post!
