Thursday, March 7, 2013

Pride and Prejudice blog post 6

                                          “Angry people are not always wise.”
                                                            -Jane Austen 

Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
262 pages
Classic Novel 

*** I will not be giving a summary because I finished the novel and gave a summary in one of the previous blog posts

topic: Explain the best aspect of this partner read for you. Ask your partner to share his/her experiences

   The best part about reading Pride and Prejudice with my mom I think is how we get to see how we are different. My mom really enjoyed this book while I did not. Also we would get to express our opinions about the novel and discuss them and explain it, doing this also helped us learn more about each other indivudualy. For example, I learned my mom is a romantic and I am not so much, I prefer novels with more action and much more of a story plot. Also my mom learned how I liked the actuale writing in the novel itself, but didn't like the story line so much becuase I didn't think that much happened. But my mother also made me realize that you have to appreciate the story in its context, that yes, maybe now adays, Elizabeth didn't do anything marvelous or spectacular, but in those times Elizabeths way of acting was very risky and she was very advanced for that time, so I think if I was raised like that and lived in those times I might have enjoyed the novel further. When I discussed this partner read with my mother we both decided that there was not much of a point on reading it together, becuase we both read at different speeds and different times and didnt really talk MUCH about it. For example I finished the novel before her becuase of our different schedules and we might as well have been reading the novel alone, but we also both agreeded that it was nice of me to hve read one fo her favorite novels when she was my age and also that she was able to re read it and remember it again.


  1. I like how you explained everything about your partner reading activity, and I can only agree with that this classic wasn't very spectacular. I like how you explained that you didn't like it, while your mum enjoyed reading it, and really? It's one of your mum's favorite books? That's interesting, since you didn't like it at all...

  2. I agree with your points, about how this reading showed differences between us and our partner or how you didn't like it and your mum did. It sounds like your book wasn't much, and you won't remember it as an entertaining book, I like my book thought, I guess it just depends on the classic you choose, mine is about a younger guy so I can relate to it :) But otherwise I really liked that you added a lot of information and description :D

  3. I love the quote that you added and I believe it's true. It is really interesting how everybody bonds with their moms while reading this book but also sees how different they are (like you said).
