Friday, March 15, 2013

Alex's Blog Post Week 7

Title: HIVE
Author: Mark Walden
Pages Read: All
Genre: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Fiction

HIVE is a story about a hyper intelligent white-haired boy named Otto, who starts off being kidnapped by a mysterious person. He wakes to find himself in a helicopter flying towards a volcano in the middle of the ocean, along with another boy. They are surrounded by armed soldiers and are being sent to the secret Supervillan School of HIVE, where supervillans are taught to be supervillans. The students all have a special ability which can be used for evil, such as Otto's computer-like brain which can solve large mathemactical equations, think out and escape plans, and even know how a thing is programmed by looking at it.

Otto finds friends with people and the HIVE Mind, an A.I that is adapting "feelings", and his ultimate goal is to escape from HIVE.

I found this story very corny and cheesy, but it had enough seriousness to go as a decent, readable book. I give it a 4/5 stars, or a Cool out of Yes.


  1. I think you wrote this blogpost well because it makes me really want to read it. I always find books that are about supervillans funny but I've never read one about a child supervillans so I'll try to read it soon. Only maybe you could put an image for people whom are more visual.

  2. I really like your summary but I think you should add a picture so it can make it more interesting and easy to read. :)
