Monday, October 8, 2012

The City of Ember

Title-City of Ember
Author-Jeanne DuPrau

The City of Ember is all about a city that is cut off from everything. They have no knowledge of any other places. Already I know the main characters are Doon and Lina who are around 12 years old and they are both given jobs. I thought this book is similar to The Giver because it is a society cut off from any other, they are controlled, not told of the problems they might have, and they are given jobs that they will have forever at the age of twelve. I so far really like this book. I cannot wait to read what will happen next. Doon seems like a short tempered person and he is a pipe-worker. Lina is a bubbly runner who became a messenger, which suits her perfectly. Pipe-worker is a very dangerous job because a lot of people don't return for unknown reasons. Another interesting part of this book is that the mayors over time had passed down a locked box with something inside of it that would open in a certain number of years, but one day it went missing and nobody realized because the mayor who had that last died before it opened, and nobody else knew about the box.The city is in quite bad condition, this quote I believe proves that point, "When she came to Hafter Street, she slowed down a little. This street was deep in shadow. Four of its streetlamps were out and had not been fixed. For a second, Lina thought of the rumor she'd heard about light bulbs: that some kinds were completely gone. She was used to shortages of things-everyone was-but not of light bulbs! If the bulbs for the streetlamps ran out, the only lights would be inside the buildings,. What would happen then? How could people find their way through the streets in the dark?".


  1. this book sounds interesting from your explenation, I like that you added a quote.....good job!

  2. really cool abby!!

  3. it sounds really good and as you said the quote explains why.
