Monday, October 1, 2012

Hoot (Finished)

Name: Hoot
Author: I can't remember sorry
Pages: 316
Genre: Comedy

Hoot got really good. Roy mooned Dana and he started chasing Roy. Roy easily out ran him but realised he needed to be caught for his plan to work. He started slowing down and eventually Dana caught him Roy told him that he would say where a bunch of cigarettes were hidden as long as Dana didn't beat him up ever agin or harass him. Dana of course agreed as long as he gets the cigarettes. Roy told Dana that there was a load of cigarettes in a trailer on the future Mother Paula's site and Dana went that night and Curly was there too trying to catch the perp (mullet fingers). Dana started knocking on the door of the trailer while curly was in there. Curly thought it was the vandal and broke down the door and tackled Dana. He yelled "Who are you?!" and Dana tried to get away by saying his name was Roy Ebernhardt then Curly started asking if he was the vandal and Dana threw dirt in his face and ran away but as he was running he stepped on rat traps the Curly had set up earlier. Dana broke three toes but kept on running. That's when Officer Delinko drove by. He saw a boy running and with something on his feet making a clacking sound on the ground. He got out and easily caught Dana. He asked what his name was and Dana said again Roy Ebernhardt. Officer Delinko knows Roy and knew he was lying. He put handcuffs on him and Dana got arrested. Apparently Dana had done several crimes and got taken to Juvenile Detention Hall. He stays there for the rest of the book. Now Roy can focus completely focus on the owls. Roy takes a newspaper to his school to tell his class about the owls. They all get really upset. He tells them that he is going to the groundbreaking the next day at lunch. When he gets there his entire class is there with him and so is his teacher. Mother Paula is there in person (really just an actor in makup). Roy speaks out at one point and he gets shut down quickly by a construction worker. Then mullet fingers pops his head out of an owl hole and starts protesting and everyone links arms around him. They eventually shut down the project and donate 50000 dollars to a nature preserve. The owls are saved and everything is right in the world... for now.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like it was a very good book. It is an interesting topic, about saving owls.
