Thursday, October 4, 2012

Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban


Pages Read:205

Quote from the Book: "I mista bin the last ter see him before he killed all them people! It was me what rescued Harry from Lily an' James's house after they was killed! Jus' got him outta the ruins, poor little thing with a slash across his forehead, an' his parents dead... an' Sirius Black turns up, on that flyn' motorbike he used ter ride. Never occurred ter me what he was doin' there. I didn't know he'd be Lily an' James's  Secret-Keeper. Thought he'd didn't know the news o' You Know Who's attack an' come ter see what he could do. White an' shakin', he was. An' yeh know what I did? I COMFORTED THE MURDERIN' TRAITOR!" Hagrid roared.

I know this is a very long quote however it was very interesting. It is where they make you be sure that Seirius is the reason why Voldemort killed the Potters. Then later announce that it wasn't him. I like how the writer to she the different accent Hagrid has she used different spelling.

What hapened so far: In the next part Harry is very worried about confronting the grim and dementors again, Professor Lupin, their new defense against the dark arts teacher, taught Harry how to fight the dementors. During the last pre-Christmas Hogsmeade trip, Fred and George Weasley give Harry the best christmas gift, The Marauder’s Map. The Maurader’s it is a living map of Hogwarts, it shows where everyone is moving. Harry realizes that there is a passage way to Hogsmeade. Harry goes through and meet's Ron and Hermione, the three listen to a conversation between the Minister of Magic, Professor McGonagall, Hagrid, and a few others.  They find out that Harry’s dad was best friends with Sirius Black and Sirius was the Secret-Keeper, he knew where the Potters were hiding. Someone friends with the Potters gave their secret away, thus, everyone said it was Black, Harry’s godfather. Hearing those words, Harry was stunned. Harry, Ron, and Hermione try to ask Hagrid for more information about Black. When they arrive, they find out that Hagrid was heartbroken because Buckbeak, the hippogriff, has been sentenced to death because of Malfoys little stunt during the first class. Christmas morning came and Harry is bragging about his fabulous present given anonymously,  a Firebolt (the very broom he had admired in Diagon Alley before school began that is known as the fastest broom in the world). After the Christmas feast, McGonagall confiscates Harry’s new broom “to be checked for jinxes” because of Hermione, who thinks that it was given to Harry by Sirius Black. Harry and Ron cant forgive Hermione for this. 

Harry and Ron are still mad, meanwhile, Lupin tries to teach Harry advanced magic called the patronus charm that will allow him to make up a Patronus: a unique guardian that acts as a shield of light against the darkness of the dementors. Those classes were satisfying, however getting his broom back was. However when Harry gets cought at Hogsmade, Snape finds out about the map and takes it away. More devastating news, Hagrid lost the trial and Buckbeack will be dead. 

During their exams Harry seas Buckbeack flying across while Professor Trelawney makes a real prediction that “IT WILL HAPPEN TONIGHT.” Trelawney says that Voldemort’s servant will break free and rejoin his master. All three watch Buckbeaks death and when the axe makes a thud, Scabbers bites Ron and escapes. They spot the grim, when Ron goes after Scabbers, the large black dog attacks, dragging Ron away into a tunnel, and Hermione and Harry following them. When they find Ron, he shows them the trap. The dog as an Animagus (a wizard able to turn himself/herself into an animal). The dog, was Sirius black. Black shows that there would only be one murder tonight. Harry loses control, because he thinks that Black was the one who was responsible for Harry’s parents’ deaths. Black asks Harry to listen, takes Scabbers and turns him into, peter Pettigrew, he is the reason for Harry's parents death. 

I really like that this book makes you so convinced what will happen at the end, and then they add a twist to it so they don't loose you at the end of the book.I really love the Harry Potter. I really recommend it to everyone my age, it is interesting in every moment, has many details, fun and interesting.


  1. its a really good book. i like the movies too.

  2. i really like the books and your blogpost! i know which one of the books it is but maybe you should include the actual title somewhere :)

  3. I love that quote! It sounds like Hagrid. Hermione look exceptionally pretty in this movie.
