Wednesday, October 24, 2012



Title: Ithaka
Author: Adéle Geras
Pages: 360
Genere: Historic Fiction, Mythology

The story begins with Odysseus leaving Ithaka, his kingdom, also his lovable wife, Penelope and little baby, Telemachus.Odysseus promises Penelope that he will return to Ithaka.

After the Trojan war, 13 years later, everyone thinks their king, Odysseus is dead. But Penelope and her son Telemachus are absolutely sure that Odysseus is alive. Telemachus have two very good friends. Klymene, who is Penelope's devoted handmaiden and confidante. Klymene hase  twin brother, Ikarios who is best friends with Telemachus. At the beginning of the book, Ikarios teases Klymene because he thinks his sister likes Telemachus. 

When Klymene was walking along the shores,  Pallas Athene, the goddess who's daughter of Zeus, wisdom and war informs Klymene about Telemachus's grandmother, Antikleia's death which is Odysseus's mother and Penelope's mother in law.

After the funeral, Telemachus and Ikarios decides to visit the cave of Naiads. Ikarios does not think this is a good idea. Telemachus went inside the cave first, and Ikarios waited at the front. Suddenly, fisherman says, that the shore is his, but Ikarios says it's the king's. Fisherman says,  "Nonsense. It's mine. No one crosses Poseidon, boy. Bear that in mind. See those rocks? I could toss them up. Like a baby's bricks and rearrange them with one breath. You've felt the land shake under your feet sometimes, have you not? That is my doing and I could do it again."
Ikarios realizes that he is not drunk and he is real Poseidon. 

1 comment:

  1. I have seen a documentary about this, but i wonder how the book is.
