Sunday, May 13, 2012

The White Mountains

The White Mountains
John Christopher
Will, Henry, and Beanpole are on a quest to get to a place away from the tripods. A place where they do not rule over people so that they live freely. Somewhere where no one is capped so that none of them are controlled by the tripods.
This quest to freedom has taken a while, but they have finally done it. They are almost there. But of course, there is trouble just around the corner. A tripod is following them. How it is they don't know how because they hide and go through places where the tripod could not find them but the tripod keeps up. Once, when the tired boys lay down in the grass they notice that Will has something in his armpit and a rip in his shirt. It was a small metal thing. They eventually assumed that it was a tracking device and that that was how the tripod kept following them. Will was then willing to go off in one direction to lead off the tripod while the other continued on to the white mountains but Henry and Beanpole did not allow it. Instead they thought that they could dig it out of Will's skin. It eventually worked even though it was excruciating pain for Will. 
After that they ran. Ran to get away from the tripod so that when the tripod found that the tracking device had to person leading it to the White Mountains it would search the surrounding area and attack. Unluckily for them the tripod soon found out that the tracking device was not with the 3 boys so he called his friends to search for them. Devastated the boys hid behind a rock and stayed there all night. The rock was facing away from the Tripods and all of them passed and none of them spotted the boys. They were free from the tripods at last.
They were heading to the White Mountains and they had them in their sight, but then 2 tripods show up. The boys knew that they were done for and there was no use hiding because they were in a nice open area. But the two tripods just passed over the boys and did not even consider them. The boys thought that it was something to maybe do with mating season. The boys eventually get to the white mountains. It was elaborate tunnels in the mountains with thousands of people inside. They were all finally safe.

I really enjoyed reading this book. When the tripods completely ignored the boys just before they got to the white mountains is an important part. I think that they could use that to help them later defeat the Tripods in the next 2 books which I cannot wait to read. I loved reading these books.

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