Sunday, May 13, 2012


Title: Joan of Arc, A Military Leader

Author: Kelly Devries

Genre: Historic Non- Fiction

Pages: 240 pages


 This week I've finish reading "Joan of Arc, A Military Leader" by Kelly Devries. In my opinion, the book was fascinating and the way it's written is really intriguing. 
In 1428, a young girl from a small French village approached the royal castle of Vaucouleurs. Joan could hear heavenly voices from God, which told her to seek out the Dauphin, Charles, so that he might give her an army with which to deliver France from its English people. The tale of Joan's military success is told here in a gripping narrative. The book describes religious and feminist aspects of Joan's career as well; this is the first to include the issue of what it was that made her the heroine that she became. Why did the soldiers of France follow a woman into battle when no troops of the Hundred Years War had done so before, and how was she able to win? This book is just perfect for reading for anyone interested in the Middle Ages and the phenomenon of the girl warrior. 
All in all, this book has been a great experience to read something different for a change- something more factual and real. I enjoyed reading it and I hope that in the future I come across another book about famous figures.

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