Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins

The book the Hunger Games takes place some time in the future. The book is in first person. The main character is Katniss Everdeen. The Americas have been split up into 12 different districts. These districts used to fight against each other, but have stopped. To punish the districts for killing each other they annually hold the Hunger Games. Each districts picks one boy and one girl to fight in the Games. The 24 kids ages ranging from 12 to18 are put into a climate and must survive there and kill off the others. The last one who survives wins. Now is the time for the picking of who will be fighting in the tournament. In some districts such as district 12, where Katniss lives, the people there hope that they do not get picked to fight in the games because they do not have much practice and they do not want to die. In other districts however they train to fight and want to be chosen. These districts are more like district with the higher numbers such as 1,2,3,4, and 5 because they live in a richer place where they have a better diet and have money and time to train. In districts like 11 and 12 they fight for their food and many starve to death.
So far in the book I have noticed that Katniss's good friend Gale likes her. She does not notice at all even though she gives out these obvious hints that he really likes her. She easily disregards them and I hate it when I get it and she does not. Later that day at the picking for who will be chosen to fight in the Games the girl representative that is chosen was Katniss's younger sister Primrose. Katniss could not just let her younger 12 year old sister die so she volunteered her self to go and fight in the games. Out of thousands of tickets being chosen and Primrose only having one hers was the one chosen. It really seemed unfair. The boy representative chosen was Peeta. Katniss had seen him around at school but nor really noticed him or paid any attention to him. After she had said her good bye's and made sure that her mother and sister were to be taken care of she was put on a train to be taken to the Capital. During the Train ride she realized how much Peeta has helped her in the past. Just before she got on the train to leave Petta's father had brought her a bag of cookies. A few years ago Petta had given her family bread when they were starving. And then on the Train when their mentor threw up and they were both going to clean him up, but Petta said that he would do it all by himself. It was after that when Katniss actually realized that he and his father had been really helping her out all of this time.
While reading I was thinking aloud why Petta had been doing all of this for Katniss and my younger brother who had recently seen the movie and has no idea how to keep a secret just blurted out that he was doing that because he likes her. Earlier today he did a similar thing and I hate that he is giving away much of the book, but I am in love with it.
Yesterday I read it until I fell asleep and all the time that I have today I am reading it because it is an awesome book that I am becoming addicted to. I then cannot wait to see the movie because it is quite similar to the books with I really like because I hate it when they leave out or change things in the movies so that they are really different than the books.
Anyways I really like the book and I reccomend it to all of you because it is such an awesome book that I had to STOP reading to write this post so if you have not read it READ IT and if you have read it or are reading it you are awesome and I hope you are liking it as much as I do. :)

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