Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Secret Garden blog post #5

Title: The Secret Garden
Author: Frances Hodgson Burnett
Genre: Historical Fiction
Number of pages: 280/311

Report Section: In the secret garden the three children speak in Yorkshire accent. Mary and Dickon show Colin all the treasures in the garden when they suddenly find a big gray tree. Dickon however says that the roses will soon grow up and will cover that tree. Mrs. Sowerby, Dickon's mother, suspects that Colin's mother is somehow still in the secret garden, still watching over her son, and that it is her influence that has brought the three children to the garden. While the children are playing Ben  Weatherstaff over the garden wall and sees the children.  In his shock at seeing Colin, Ben calls him "the poor cripple" and asks if he has crooked legs and a crooked back. Colin is incensed, and, with surprising strength, suddenly rises from his wheeled chair and commands the old man to look at him. Then the children invite Ben to join them in the garden. Ben tells the children stories about a magic that could help Colin stand up and start walking. He says that the only thing that they have to do is repeat their wish. As the time passes, the children take in seriously the idea of the magic. Mary starts noticing how Colin becomes healthier, and is always in a good mood. Colin and Dickon notice that Mary is now prettier than she was at the beginning and they think that the reason for this is the secret garden. 

Response Section: And again I wasn't impressed from what I read. Basically there was nothing new in those chapters except the story about magic. I expect that Colin will get better soon but I wish if something more than that is going to happen like is somebody going to die or is the secret garden just a simple garden or is it something else? 

Passage Section: "Magic is always pushing and drawing and making things out of nothing. Everything is made out of Magic, leaves and trees, flowers and birds, badgers, and foxes and squirrels and people. So it must be all around us. In this garden- in all the places. The Magic in this garden has made me stand up and know I am going to live to be a man."

Basically this is pretty much what the magic thing is about. This short passage shows how Colin believes in himself and how due to his hard work he will get better. 

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