Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas #5

  • Title: The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas 
  • Author: John Boyne 
  • Genre: Historical Fiction
  • Number of pages read: 175/215

  • Report Section 
At this point of my reading, the author discovers a lot about Bruno and his new friend, Shmuel. 
With each day that passed, Bruno began to get used to being at Out-With and stopped feeling quite so unhappy about his new life. 
It wasn't like he didn't have to talk to anyone anymore. Every single day after his classes finished, he took a long walk along the fence and at and talked to his new friend, Shmuel. The author describes Shmuel as a skinny boy with grey skin, so Bruno could have guessed that Shmuel needed some food. Every time that Bruno came to see Shmuel, he brought many different foods with him. They talked about many various things and covered a lot of topics, even though they were only nine year old boys. Unlike Bruno, Shmuel lived in one room with eleven other people, and he wasn't still complaining about it. 
In this section of reading, I have discovered a lot about Bruno as a character. He betrayed his friend Shmuel one time, when Shmuel got into a trouble (because of Bruno) and a solider asked him if Bruno knew him before. Bruno told the solider that he never saw Shmuel in his life, which was of course, a big lie. After that, he regretted a lot, and in the end, Shmuel forgave Bruno for his mistake. Honestly, I never expected from Bruno to do anything alike betray, but I guess that everything is possible, even the most unexpected things. 

  •  Response Section 
The part that I have read this week was very confusing for me. Whenever Bruno asked someone (Shmuel) an important question, the answer was revealed in the next chapter of the book, not right after the question was asked, which I found very confusing and it made no sense to me. 
My recent reading has fulfilled my expectations and I liked the author's word choice that he used throughout these several chapters. Other than the confusing part, I think that the author made a great connection with the book and a real life, and I especially liked that he on some way forced us to create an image of what we were reading in our minds. 
For my continued reading, I expect something exciting to happen with Shmuel and Bruno. At the end of the last chapter that I read (chapter 15), they touched for the first time and that means that they basically became very close at that point. I think that Bruno's sister, Gretel, is going to be involved in some of the highlights of the book as well. 
I am very satisfied with what I have read, and can't wait to continue and finish this book!!! 

  • Passage Section 
''He lifted the bottom of the fence up like he did whenever Bruno brought him food, but this time he reached his hand out and held it there, waiting until Bruno did the same, and then the two boys shook hands and smiled at each other. It was the first time they had ever touched.'' (page 175- chapter 15)

I think that this passage reveals a lot about the further reading, and it is the thing that we should be focused on. I think that when they touched for the first time, it represented the beginning of their real friendship. 

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