Sunday, December 8, 2013

The ravenmaster's secret #5

The Ravenmaster's secret
Elvira Woodruff
Historical novel


After visiting Maddy's cell  that morning, Forrest thought of her all day and couldn't concentrate on his work. While he was walking with his father, he met warder John and was informed that Maddy's father passed away while trying to escape from a boat. Also, he said that Maddy was safe but Forrest couldn't help but think how hard it would be for Maddy since her father passed away in right front of her. Later that day, while he was feeding the birds in the shed,  he noticed a worksman standing near. The man asked Forrest if he has a "sprig of heather given for luck" and Forrest says "yes". The man tells Forrest that Maddy's trial has been denied and she will be sent to the Bloddy Tower again that night and also asks him if he is a good enough friend to save her life and to consider helping her escape until the day after.

Forrest decides to help Maddy's escape even if it costs his life and Ned supports him because his life is not worthy since he will be caught by Simon Frick since he escaped. They go to Maddy's cell and plan to disguise Ned as Maddy, and Maddy as Ned. Then Maddy disguised as Ned will get out of the tower with Forrest and Ned will escape afterwards when Forrest comes back and draws in the Warders' attention.  Forrest succeeds in the first step to get Maddy out of the tower and returns to the tower pretending to have dropped the prisoner's supper and coming back with another. Forrest shows the warders' Tucks new tricks and also shows them Tuck talk. While the warders were engrossed into the tricks, Forrest sees Ned escape and returns to the shed. Ned returns to the shed with a news that he encountered the mysterious man and that he told him that a boat is waiting for Maddy at King's Stairs. They hurry to the King's Stairs and encounters Simon Frick.


It was surprising to see an English boy help the escape of a Scottish girl and have a "real" friendship between them. I can't wait to see how their escape ends and if they do, if they will ever cross paths again.


"Is it true that you are a friend of to the daughter of Owen Stewart?"
Forrest felt his heart racing but said nothing.
"A good enough friend to save her life?"

This passage shows the final question Forrest has to answer. If Forrest agrees to help Maddy's escape, his life will be in danger and his family would be watching their son or a brother hang. If he chooses not to help Maddy, he will feel guilty that he was not able to fulfil his pledge of friendship with Maddy. Forrest finally finds an answer to help her but I'll have to read on to see how it goes.

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