Sunday, December 1, 2013

People of the Wolf Blog Pots #4

People of the Wolf
W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear
Historical Fiction

Report Section
Wolf Dreamer is running back to Herons place when eh made the decision to follow the path o a Dreamer. Heron tells him about special mushrooms that had grown were she had thrown the remains of dead animals, that these mushrooms feed on the dead and sick. She tells him that he is not ready to take these mushrooms and that when taking them you mus go into the Dance and not loose the connection to the One life, if you did you would die from the poison of the mushrooms. One Who Cries has just hunted down a musk ox for the winter storage when he sees people coming in the distance. He walks up to meet them and sees it it Three Falls, a man of another tribe. Following him are many children and women and only a few hunters. They all look worn and starved. One Who Cries finds out that they are refuges from villages that have been attacked by the Others, all due to the fact that Raven Hunter and all the hunters are out destroying the Others villages. There was no hunters left to hunt and protect the elders and children anymore. One Who Cries ha no other choice than to share what they have with the group and to take them into their temporary shelter that they put up after the Renewal. Heron has started to act more and more strangely saying that the end is near and that she had wished for a few more years of teaching Wolf Dreamer though it may not even last till the summer. One who Cries and the rest are traveling back to Herons place and following is Dancing Fox. Dancing Fox soon realizes that she has not seen Talon for a long while, she had been so focused on a conversation with Green Water. This made Dancing Fox worried since Talon was old and had bad legs, and it was getting dark. She tells the group that she is going back in their traces to find Talon. She only walks a short while until she finds Talon sitting and resting on a rock. Dancing Fox tries to urge her to come with her as the group has set shelter just over the next hill. Though Talon refuses telling Dancing Fox that her time is near and her life has been good. Dancing Fox does not understand how Talon know that she is going to die and she refuses to leave Talon. Even though Talon's protests Dancing Fox promises that Talon will not die alone and that she is going to stay with her until she dies and Dancing Fox can bury her. Talon tells Dancing Fox that she has to be strong and that Wolf Dreamer has chosen the way of a dreamer and cannot lover her anymore. Dancing Fox refuses to acknowledge this because the only reason she has worked so hard to survive this long was to be able to meet Wolf Dreamer again. At a part Wolf Dreamer goes mad with the burden he has to carry and the choice between Dancing Fox and the future of the People and how he knows he has to choose the People. He runs of in the direction hat he can hear the wolf calling, knowing this was a sign. He ends up at the begging  the frozen ice sea. There he finds a buffalo who is floating dead in the water. He drags it up on shore and opens it up, he is sure that the buffalo could not have been frozen for ages. If it was still warm and there were things living in it it should have died quiet shortly which would mean there is something on the other side of the ice sea and the place has animals to feed them. He opens the buffalo up and it is still worn and he finds tape worms who do not survive long in the cold, especially not in the cold water. As he return back he i met by Broken Branch who tells him that Heron has burned one of the poisonous mushrooms and said that no one must disturb her ever until she calls them.  Wolf Dreamer panics and runs into Herons hut where he finds her sitting in front of a dead fire with a withered mushroom in the ashes. Heron was speaking in rhymes that made little sense but she was foreseeing things. She then talks about Broken branch as she talked about many people and then Broken Branch who was also in the hut listens accidentally names Bear Hunter (who was the man Heron loved but he gave her up because he fell in lover with broken Branch, all when they were young) and Heron looses her concentration which happens when you love some one as a dreamer and she dies. Both Broken Branch and Wolf Dreamer are devastated and Wolf Dreamer is alone in his training for the path of a dreamer and now he has to lead his people all by himself. One who Cries and the rest of the group arrives the day on and Wolf Dream tells them about the buffalo and the other signs, he then reveals that he traveled over the ice to the other place and when he came there, there were buffaloes but they simply passed right next to him in curiosity as if though they had never been hunted before and did not know what a human was. Though he also tells them it is far to dangerous for everyone to travel, and that he did not travel on the ice... he had found a hole where the water runs and that a person ha to walk in hips deep water for days in the endless dark in the tunnels. These tunnels have a chance of flooding and the tunnel will flood when the ice and snow melts so thy have to make their choice soon.That night there was a storm and Dancing Fox was in the middle of traveling after the trail of stones that One Who Cries had left for her to follow. Though in the middle of the blizzard she looses the trail in all the snow and is left wondering in confusing around in the storm. Green Water hears a faint call and steps out of her hut and she sees a fain outline of a person in the distance and knows that it must be Dancing Fox. She rushes out in the storm but Dancing Fox is gone again. Green Water calls for her continuously until she hears a weak voice say; here. She finds Dancing fox laying in the snow unable to walks as she had fallen a week earlier in her travel and twisted her leg and it had become infected. Green Water helps Dancing Fox back to Herons camp where she gets to rest and get treatment for her leg. a few days later she takes the bravery to meet Wolf Dreamer who has stayed inside Herons hut since her death. Dancing Fox is scared because everyone seems to respect him and slightly fear him and she could never have though of him like a wise and feared Dreamer. She enters to find Wolf Dreamer sitting on some pelts in front of the fire. they do not rush and hug each other since Dancing Fox is scared and Wolf Dreamer seem to not want here here. there is a quietness until Wolf Dreamer tells her that he loves her but that he has to pt the People first and that for a Dreamer there is no room for love, it will only kill a Dreamer. Dancing Fox tries to talk to him but when she takes a step closer she could see the fear and pain in his eyes as he screams at her to go away. Dancing Fox runs out crying. 

Response Section
What do you think about what you have read?
Things have gone as I expected except the fact that Heron dies. I did not think she would dies so soon and that she would sacrifice herself for Wolf Dreamer and the People who she left so many years ago. I am also surprises about how badly Wolf Dreamer handles the situation with Dancing Fox. he just screams at her to leave even though she has gone through so many harsh and terrifying things just to be with him.  
Has your recent reading fulfilled your expectations?
Yes, I figured that Wolf Dreamer and Dancing Fox would meet somehow and that there would be drama between them. I also though that Raven Hunter's actions against the Others would have consequences against the People like the fact that they have a lake of hunters and their own villages are being destroyed. 
What do you expect for your continued reading?
I expect that Wolf Dreamer is going to find a way to pass the ice sea so that at least most people will survive. I also think that soon Raven Hunter will get killed in his own war. I believe that Wolf Dreamer and Dancing Fox will solve the emotions between them.
How satisfied are you with what you have read?
I have planned out how much I am supposed to read for each blog post and I managed to read as much as I was supposed to for this blog post. 

 Passage Section
"'Leave me!" he shouted. Turning, she ripped through the hanging hide, running, heedless of her tender ankle. She almost bowled One Who Cries over, sprinting up the path, struggling to escape that last terrible memory of the horror reflected in his eyes." (page 287)

I choose this passage because it was the last thing that happened between Dancing Fox and Wolf Dreamer, it was a climax that most would be waiting for, the moment they can finally reunite but then it ends with unexpected drama.

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