Sunday, December 8, 2013

People of the Wolf Blog-Post #5

People of the Wolf
W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear
Per-historical fiction 

Report Section
Wolf Dreamer and his group are heading through the dark and deep ghost tunnel under the ice. The group is shivering in fear as they enter the long darkness. The tunnel is only wide enough for a single filed line. There is water up to the ankles at the begging but there are deeper areas and one slip could cause a fatal injury on the sharp and slippery stone. Though that was not what they feared most. What they feared was the eerie calls of the ghosts in the passage. The ghosts could take anyone and bring them to the eternal darkness. It anyone died under ground they would not be able to leave to father sun and would be stuck down in the endless dark. Though all the way Wolf dreamer reassured them as his warnings about deep water or slippery pools was passed on through the line. He was holding a little light which gave the whole group hope. They walked for days and nights in the tunnels loosing track of time. Though finally one day Wolf  Dreamer calls back as he sees the first hint of light. As they walk out of the dark passage they see beautiful fields of grass and frost. There were dozens of tall rich trees touching the sky, there was game (prey: caribou, buffalo, mammoth) everywhere and they did not even react to the people, as if though they had never seen a hunter before. Though the biggest relief was that there were no other people here to chase them away. No people of the others or the Glacier Clan. One Who cries thought it was finally over with the starvation when Wolf Dreamer tells him and Singing Wolf that the tree of them must return to convince the rest of the People, that where scattered over the little land that was still remaining, that they must also pass through the underground passage and to this paradise. The problem was that soon the Great dark came and during the Great Dark the water would rise and block the passage. The Great Dark was very near and the passage could fill up any day. Wolf Dreamer, Singing Wolf, and One Who Cries say farewell to the rest of the group and go back into the dark tunnel again. Later that night a woman called Moon Water that the group had take hostage from the Others escaped into the tunnels at night alone. The group was chocked that she would dare to walk into the tunnels alone and without a light. Dancing Fox knows that Moon Water would return to the Others and tell them about this wonderful place and that there was a big chance that they might come after the People through the underground tunnel. Dancing Fox decides to pursuit Moon water and plans to kill her before she reached the Others, she enters the tunnels alone with no light. While traveling through the tunnels   she meets Three Falls. He had manage to escape raven Hunter's group of warriors in the Great Dark and had met Dreaming Wolf who told him the directions to the tunnels and since he had no other place to go he decided to take the chance. Dancing Fox convinces Three falls to go and help her to catch Moon Water. Raven Hunter knew that his group would not be willing to fight due to the renewal coming up soon. Though he also knows that if they retreat now the Others could easily take back the territory Raven Hunter and his group have take over. He tried to convince the group of young warriors that they should attack the Others because they also have a renewal ceremony an would be weak then. Though he realizes no one is with him and to keep is good reputation he decides they will travel further south to were the renewal will be held. He is not impressed by the choice of the place for the renewal, Herons camp. At the renewal Raven Hunter meets Wolf Dreamer, Raven Hunter argues that no one is going to believe Wolf dreamer and that the people will believe Crow caller who follow everything Raven Hunter tells him to. In the cave that Heron Lived in Wolf Dreamer takes the same chance Heron did, he eats the poisonous mushrooms to dream the future of he People and to convince them to come with him. Heron tried doing this but to connect to the leader o the Others (Ice Fire) though she was interrupted by her love for the long dead man called White Bear and then she died as she lost concentration. Thought just as the Renewal is about to start and Raven Hunter and others are trying to get into the cave with Singing Wolf trying to defend it Wolf Dreamer comes out with dreaming light in his eyes. He goes up to the fire that everyone was gathered around. He tells them about the place on the other side of the ice and that the must go there. Though Crow Caller steps up telling the People that Wolf Dreamer is dark and evil, though Crow Caller tried to curse Wolf Dreamer, Wolf Dreamer tells crow Caller that he is rotten and dark inside bu that it is still not too late for him to come back to the light if he just lets go of the fears and lies. Though crow Caller refuses and suddenly weakens greatly and starts to die. Wolf Dreamer orders One Who Cries to carry Crow Caller to one of the tents and make Crow Callers death comfortable. As Wolf Dreamer tells the People that the water in the tunnel will sink when the great Dark is over and how they have to hold out until then One Who Cries steps out of the tent and suddenly see movement on top of the hills surrounding the shelter. One Who Cries feels something is wrong and screams warnings at the crow though they are too distracted by Wolf Dream to hear. He climbed up boulders just to be met by Raven Hunters legs. One Who Cries gets hit by Raven Hunter continuously with a sharp arrow injuring his face and head. With no weapon and as he sees that Raven Hunter in aiming the arrow at Wolf Dreamer, One Who Cries bites as hard as he can into Rave Hunters leg, though it was too late. The arrow had been fired though luckily it had been tilted slightly off. Instead of hitting Wolf Dreamer it hit a young boy who was standing near Wolf Dreamer. The crow was in chock and just that moment Raven Hunter hits One Who Cries really hard in the head and he starts to bleed a lot and everything goes grey for One Who Cries. When Wolf Dreamer and everyone else reach them Singing Wolf (One Who Cried cousin) realized that One Who Cries is luckily still alive. the elder Four Teeth says that the punishment for killing one of the People in the way Raven Hunter did was death though Wolf Dreamer says that Raven Hunter is just lost and Wolf Dreamer tells raven Hunter to leave and come back when he has lost himself so he can find himself again.     

Response Section
What do you think about what you have read?
I think that things are getting very close t the climax and that it seems like every action in what i have read this week is an action to prepare for the climax.Has your recent reading fulfilled your expectations?
Yes, I expected that Raven Hunter and Wolf Dreamer would finally meet and that Wolf dream and crow Caller would have a sort of stand off. 
What do you expect for your continued reading?
I expect that the People will prepare for the great Dark and try to survive it without being killed by the Others.How satisfied are you with what you have read?
I read as much as I planned to read for this week. 

Passage Section

"Gray. The world has turned gray for all of us. Color is gone. Only desperation remains. Ice and rock ahead of us, around us. Behind comes painful death of the Others. Is this the way? Truly? Isn't there life and joy and happiness anymore? I don't want to go in there. not into the darkness with the ghosts." (page 289)  I chose this passage because it si the thoughts of One Who Cries before he follows Wolf Dreamer into the dark tunnel and it most likely reflects the thoughts of most of the People following Wolf Dresmer, and maybe the other clans.  

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