Friday, April 5, 2013

Marie Curies

 Whom are three great Human beings?
Marie Curie: Mary Curie was born in the end of the 19th century. She was one of the first women to ever be accepted in the . She then spent her life with the french scientist Pierre Curie. Together they risked their hole life working with radioactivity and finally found cures for many sickness including the invention of the scanners now used for Cancer. Finally she became the first woman ever to win a nobel price even if she actually shared two of them with her husband.

Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi was born on the second of octobre 1869. His whole life he thought for civil rights of Muslim and Hindu in south africa. But gandhi beleived in peace and non-violence, he thought one of the greatest battle the world has known, without chosing the path of violence.  Finally he also worked for women's right, untouchability in india, and poverty. He was assassinated in 1914 because he was "too sympatetic to muslems".

Nelson Mandela: Nelson Mandela was born in 1918. He thought against racism and poverty in south africa, which was really bad at the time.Because of his wise but non accepted words he got frown in prison for 20 years and got released soon after. He became the first dark skinned president in South Africa. He helped thousands of people with human rights and even helped as a mediator between Libya and the U.K.

What is a great human being, What do they have in common?
 For me being a great human being is somebody that does what they love, care and help others and is willing to sacrifice themselves to sacrifice themselves for common good. I think they all make the choice of putting others before themselves, never forgetting what they beleive in and finally I think that having a goal in life is something they all shared: improving the number of poor people, creating cures, being accepted as equal...

 What are 3 things (aside from what he/she is known for) that would make my top Living History pick a strong entry into the museum?
  • She risked her life being exposed to radioactivity, to create cures for sick people
  • Made the world understand that women could be as important, even sometimes more important, then men.
  • She did what she loved and what she was good at even if it meant losing some people and living in poverty.

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