Monday, April 15, 2013

Helene's Marie Curie blogpost 2

 Genre: Biography
Title: Marie Curie and her Daughters 
Author: Sheley Emiling
Pages: 219
Pages read:

This book spoke about many things even if sometimes it was a bit less logical since it kept on skipping from different times of her life. First it spoke about when she went to the US with her 2 daughters when she was about 45 to go get 2 grams of mercury from the president of the United States. It also said that she was really popular in the US and that she was loved by americans, she even receuved a key from the Americans. Then it also talked about how the death of Pierre Curie afected Marie, she was very depressed and her health went down. A few years later she had big problems as she had an intimate relationship with a married man. The press got really mad at her,he got threatend by so many people and got accused of ruining a good french marriage and she should be sent back to her country.  She was even being accused of being Jewish while she was clearly Catholique. She then flew these problems to go get her second Nobel Price. Finally I learned about Marie Curie's daughters and how Irene, the oldest was much more like her mother, interested in Maths, Sciences and very reserved. While Eve was much more frivolous and flippant.For now the book talks about many different times in her life and I hope they will develope in a more orderly manner to make it less confusing to read.

What is a great human path?
For me a great human path is when a person spends their life doing what they love, working for what they believe in and even after their death are remembered for the good they have done and what a great person he was. Mahatma Gandhi was a great example of a great human path: he spent his life working against segregation and for equality, he even invented Satygraha, which is a type of non-violent protesting, this is what he believed in, peace and equality.  He was so good and so successful  at what he did that he will always be remembered as one of the best human being and peace maker in history. He is so famous that I think there is not one person that has nor herd his name at least once.

Describe your figure's early life, family, homeland and upbringing.
Marie Curie was born in Warsaw in 1867, she was born in a quite poor family. Her dad was a school teacher, but he lost his job because of his anti Russian believes, so Marie too was raised to care about her nationShe had 4 sisters, in 1876  her oldest sister died of typhus, and when Marie was 11 her mother died of Tuberculosis. When she was 15 she finished school and had such good grades that she even received a gold medal. But that good news didn't stop her from having a depression so she when to the countryside for a year. Later she went to a "floating school" with her sister Bronya, this floating school was a secret university that changed location all the time so that women could learn sciences behind the back of the Russians. After that Bronja and Marie made a pact, Bronja would go study in Paris and Marie would get a job as a governess to pay for her study, later Bronya would pay her back. That is what they did and after Bronya finished her studies, Marie used the money she saved and went to study in La Sorbogne university in Paris.

How did Marie's family contribute to what she became?
I think that her parents contributed a lot too what Marie Curie became. They where true nationalist and school teachers that always loved learning. Marie Curie became as nationalist and obsessed with learning as her parents where. Funny fact is that when Marie was away her dad sent her many latters with math problems in them, and when Marie was a mum, she sent letters to her daughters with math problems exactly like her dad did to her.

Marie 's family:

Marie's grades for his graduation 


  1. My 'great human path' was sort of similar to yours! I thought that it should be someone who stands up in what they love and believe in. Good Blog Post!!!!

  2. You sounded like you had some problems with the dates in one of the books, I hope you won't have troubles finding facts about this person. Judging by your blogpost, you don't seem like you had any problems at all. Good job!

  3. Interesting blog post. I have never heard of Marie Curie. After finding out about her, she sounds very interesting. Nice pick!
