Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Scarlet Letter

TASK: Post about the most significant difference that you have noticed between you and your partner as you have read your classic novel.  Attempt to explain the reasons for this difference.

Title: The Scarlet Letter

Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne

Genre: Classic


This week my partner and I have discussed factual information about the book we finished reading last week “The Scarlet Letter.” During our discussion, I’ve noticed that we had a lot of different ideas + opinions about the book and the characters. Not only did we argue about the characters, but we also had different thoughts about who should have ended up dying at the end. For example, I thought that Dimmesdale, Hester’s father, shouldn’t have died at the end because he was only trying to help around in the house. Meanwhile, my partner thought that Chillingworth, Hester’s cruel husband, shouldn’t have died at the end because she wanted to find out what would happen with the family. The different thoughts between my partner and I was that I was glad Dimmesdale visited Hester, Pearl and Chillingworth, it he wouldn’t have visited them, Chillignworth would have never died at the end. Meanwhile my partner wasn’t glad that Dimmesdale came into appearance because she wanted Chillingworth to stay alive. Overall, even though my partner and I couldn’t really get along while discussing about the book, I found this whole experience fun because we were really engaged and we were curious about each other’s thoughts- this also led us having different ideas, which will help me create my book project.

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