Sunday, February 19, 2012

I, Robot

I, Robot
Isaac Asimov

I, Robot, more widely known as a movie featuring Will Smith, is a classic novel, more precisely, a collection of short stories. Their are 9 books to the series, told from the mind of Dr. Susan Calvin. It talks about how in the future robots will be a big part of our lives, acting as our servants, cleaners, helpers, ect.

I have started to read the book, and it starts out by describing this mute robot like a person. In the first chapter the robot was mad, angry, sad etc. All human emotions. Isaac Asimov gave the robot power to think, and the ability to have interests of his own, stories, hide and seek, etc. This robot, (Robbie) is the caretaker of a little girl for the day when her parents are at work, and the parents are forced to get rid of the robot because their daughter had no social life, no friends, never going out, just playing with a machine, spending all her free time there like its a laptop with a secure internet connection.

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