Sunday, February 5, 2012

Catcher in the Rye

Title: Catcher in the Rye
Author: J.D Salinger
Partner in Reading: Mum
What has been the most challenging aspect so far?
Me: I believe the most challenging aspect of reading this novel so far has probably been trying to connect with a book that in the beginning has such a cynic as a main character for this book. Even though, I can hope that Salinger has put Holden in such a negative, pessimistic light for a reason that will later come to improve the book.
Mum: Having to synchronize and remember everything from the novel. Also, finding time to sit down and talk is also hard, especially because sometimes the areas we are in the book is different.
What has been the most rewarding aspect so far?
Me: Often my mum and I don't ever read the same book. This means that when I talk to her about books that I  have read and she hasn't she can never really fully understand what I am talking about. Yet with an opportunity to talk to her about a book she can also connect with.
Mum: The most enjoyable aspect of this has been, in agreement, being able to connect through reading. It's great to be able to see a different point of view of something I read when I was younger. 


  1. Sound like you and you mum are really enjoying reading the book together, thats good.

  2. I am glad that you are enjoying the book. Maybe you could add a bit more details about the book to make it sound more interesting.
