Sunday, December 4, 2011


Title of the book: The Gates
Author: John Collony
Genre: Fantasy

Comments: I only read the first 30 pages of this book and it is really complicated. At the beginning they are talking about science which I have never heard of but after time it starts to make sense. The author of this book is John Collony. It takes place somewhere in the united states. The main character of the book is a boy called Samuel Johnson.

Samuel and his dog were walking through the streets and as always they passed their neighbors house. Samuel's neighbors are very strange. As he passes their neighbors house he looks in their basement through the window and sees something strange. It is a blue light which Samuel has never seen before. Samuel takes a closer look and then he sees that there are his neighbors standing around it and getting inhaled by the blue hole. Now there are three other people coming out of it. The boy can't believe his eyes, these are not normal people, one is in a spider shape and then there is one that looks like an octopus. Samuel's dog is trying to pull him away. The octopus thing looks at Samuel running away.

This is the main thing what happens in these 30 pages. The octopus also tells his friends that he saw Samuel and he tells them that they have to kill the boy before he says anything to someone else. Now it is very exciting because I want to know what is going to happen to Samuel. I think that he is somehow going to defend himself from these creatures and that he will have a lot of trouble.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you not only talked about happens in the book, but you also told us what you thought while you were reading it. It sounds like a really cool science fiction novel!
