Saturday, December 10, 2011

Lord of The Flies - William Golding

Title: Lord of The Flies
Author: William Golding.
Pages: 248
Genre: Fiction

I read this book before, and in my opinion it is very hooking and has a very extended plot. A lot adventures and events happen throughout the story. There are two goals: rescue and survival. The book is about a bunch of British boys, stuck on an inhabited island, trying to govern themselves, but fail and lead to disastrous effects. Not to spoil the book, i will focus more on the first chapter.

Piggy and Ralph, our two main protagonists, they find a conch. The conch was a symbol, and when Ralph would blow on it, the loud signal would mean "assembly". At their first meeting up, after they survived the plane crash and gathered all together, elections were held for a chief. Between Jack (antagonist) and Ralph, there has been tension ever since. When Ralph won, put rules in, the boys tried all their hardest to survive, find shelter, food, water and get rescued.

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