Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sofia Catching Fire

Title:Catching Fire
Author: Suzanne Collins
Genre: Fiction

In my previous 2 posts i included Katniss had asked Gale to run away with her. Away from district 12 into the woods. Gale was happy with the idea at first but then an uprising in district 8 happened and he didn't want to run he wanted to rise he wanted to stick up to the capital. Katniss knew that was a bad idea so she told him that he couldn't but he only got angry.

After Gale mad storming out of the woods after his decline of running away Katniss was left alone in their little worn out cabin. She stayed for a while in the woods but then went back home. She had to speak to Peeta even though Gale abandoned the idea she didn't. She was going to go through with it just without Gale. When she found Peeta she asked him while they were walking in the direction of the square. He agreed but directly after he said of course. They heard loud shouting from the square so they ran over. They couldn't see a thing from the crowd. Peeta saw what everyone was looking at and told Katniss to go but Katniss wanted to see what was going on so she pushed through the crowd. In the center of the square was Gale with his hands clamped down to a wooden plank. His back was bloody and ripped up with fresh skin. Behind him stood a man with a whip. She guessed it was the new head peace keeper. The other head peace keeper Clay was no where to be found he must have been replaced by this brutal man. As the new head peace keeper pulled his arm back Katniss yelled. "no!" And jumped in front. The hard wip struck her faces. She could feel it swelling. The peace keeper was astonished. He yelled, "get away, " but she didn't move. As pushed her out the way and was about to strike Gale again Haymitch showed up. He was furious at the Head Peace Keeper, "What have you done? She has a photoshoot tomorrow. What am i going to tell her stylists?" The head peace keeper, just claimed that she got in the. Thats when one of the other peace keepers, who clearly disgusted by what was going on, stepper forward(a peace keeper that Katniss knew for a while) a said, " I believe he has received his punishment and the number of wipe for his crime(he was convicted of poaching. He was looking for the previous head peace keeper who always bough his turkey but found the new one)." The head peace keeper backed off and listened.

Katniss was very thankful but she was also very scared. Gale was wiped no less than 40 times, would Gale survive?

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