Sunday, December 2, 2012


Book: Bridget Jones's Diary
Author: Helen Fielding

I Will Not
  • Drink more than 14 alcohol units per weeks
  • Smoke
  • Spend more than earn
  • Get annoyed with Mum, Una or Perpetua
  • Have crushes on men
I Will
  • Stop smoking
  • Give all the clothes I have not worn for 2 year or more to homeless
  • Be more confident
  • Go to the gym 3 times a week 
  • Form functional relationship with responsible adult

These are just some of the things Bridget is trying to change or do during her upcoming year. My mum found this book at the book sale, she read it when she was younger and said I should read it. The book starts out with Bridget going to a New-Years-Eve party with her family and friends, however her mother sets her up with a man,Mark, who has recently divorced and is a  well-known lawyer(Mark is a childhood friend). Bridget is now a 30-year old adult, dealing with problems most adults deal with:smoking, wanting to lose 7 pounds etc. She has absolutely no self-confidence, wonders why guys don't like her and wants to change her life, some obstacles she has to overcome are her parents and her mind. Mark is a very serious but weird man as he says, "Are you reading any, ah... Have you read any good books lately?", what man asks that to a woman when they meet after years! I mean come on, be more casual.
   I haven't read much of the book yet, but it sounds like it could be ok after all, I am interested to see what changes Bridget will actually be able to achieve and what she will fail in. I haven't yet understood what Bridget looks like, is she obese? or does she just eat too much? I am hoping to figure it all out as I continue to read.


  1. This seems like an awesome book! Can't wait to see what drives her to change her habits! :)

  2. I love how you wrote this blogpost, it's funny and intriguing! I saw this book somewhere in my old home in Brussels, but I never read it, but next time we move I am going to search for that book!

  3. I just read Kristina's blog post and as you said on hers, its exactly the same story besides the name, but the story still seems interesting.
