Sunday, June 3, 2012


Title: The Boy in the Striped Pajama
Author: John Boyne
Genre: Historic Fiction

I finished the book and I liked the ending the most.
Bruno as always went to meet his friend Schmuel and bring him food each afternoon. Schmuel, what Bruno thought, looked better and better. He was not that thin anymore but still way to thin for a normal person. Bruno still did not understand what the people on the other side are doing because Schmuel does not want to tell him. Every time Bruno asked than Schmuel just replies that things are terrible on his side of the fence and that Bruno does not want to know what is happening. Bruno also thinks that the German soldiers are nice people because Bruno's father is one but Schmuel keeps on explaining that he thinks that the soldiers do not like him and the other on the fence side.

One day Bruno hears his parents shouting at each other. They were having a very loud discussion in father's office, which Bruno is not allowed to enter, and they were talking about leaving Auschwitz, Bruno pronounces it "Aus-Wisch" which is German and means to wipe out. Mother can't stay here anymore because she has nothing to do and freaks out. Now Bruno is not sure where he wants to be. At the beginning when he arrived in Auschwitz he just wanted back to Berlin because he thought that this is a horrible place but then he met Schmuel. Now Schmuel is his best friend and although they never played together Bruno was scared of loosing his best friend.

As Bruno already heard, the family was leaving Auschwitz except father. He had to stay and take care of the people on the other side of the fence. Bruno wanted to see Schmuel again to tell him that they were leaving in less than a week but he wasn't at the place in the fence where he normally is. Two days before he left Schmuel showed up. He apologized to Bruno and said that his father disappeared like his grandfather and his brother. Schmuel said that he went to work with other friends and then soldiers where following him and none of the friends and father came back. Schmuel was almost crying. Then Bruno told him that he was leaving.

The two boys were both sad but suddenly Schmuel came up with an idea. There was a hole in the fence and Schmuel wanted Bruno to come through but they both knew that they would be in a lot of trouble than because German and Yews were not supposed to be friends at that time, which the two boys did not understand yet. Schmuel had the idea to dress up Bruno so that he looks like one of the people from his side. He would get Bruno a striped pajama. The next day Bruno left the house looking forward to go to the other side of the fence and see how Schmuel lives. Maybe that wasn't a good idea.

When Bruno was dressed up as one of the people from the other side he crawled through the hole and walked to the place where Schmuel lived. Bruno did not expect Schmuel house to be like that, people were sleeping on the floor, there were small sheds where the people lived in, everyone looked very sad and everything stunk. Around all the people there were soldiers. After four hours Bruno decided to leave Schmuel and go home but suddenly the was a shrill whistle. Chaos broke out and all the people were surrounded by soldiers like a sheep herd. They were being pushed in one direction. Bruno asked Schmuel what was going on. Schmuel explained that the soldiers often make people talk a walk. Bruno did not have time to take a walk now, he had to go home but he could not get out of it. It was raining a lot and suddenly it stopped. Bruno looked up and saw that they were in a big room. The room seemed to be made with a lot of effort because there was no rain coming in. Bruno thought that they were put into the room because it was raining and here they would stay dry but suddenly all the doors were closed and locked. The people started to cry and shout. That was the end of the story from the two nine year old boys Bruno and Schmuel.

The book was very interesting to read. At the end when he crawls through the hole I already expected that something was going to happen because of the title of the chapter, "Bruno's last adventure". The end is a bit sad but overall is the book very good and not that hard to read. I recommend this book to everyone because it was written for children, easy to understand, but also for grown ups. The book is my favorite.


  1. I recently read this book, too and I really enjoyed it! My favorite part was at the very end when Schmuel and Bruno are in the gas chamber and there's some line that goes "and there was nothing in the world that would convince Bruno to let go" (of Schmuel's hand). I like the way you summarized the story in your blogpost.

  2. I have heard of this book, seems really interesting. I heard it was really intense and some what challenging is that true? Have you watched the movie?
