Saturday, January 18, 2014

Island of the Blue Dolphins - blog post #1

Title: Island of the Blue Dolphins
Author: Scot O'dell
Genre: Classic

1st sentence: Describe the personality of the main character of your chosen text.

  • Karana (Wonapalei) is a 14 years old female, very friendly girl with a brother and a sister (she is actually 18 but the book begins with a memory in which Karana is only 14).

2nd sentence: Explain how another character would describe the main character. (Character is _ because)

  • Ramo (Karana's little brother) would describe his sister as the best sister in the word because she is caring, selfless and empathetic and she would actually risk her life in order to save his brother's life. 

3rd sentence: Based on what you know about your main character, what item would he/she place in a time capsule.

  • I think that she would put otters in the time capsule and actually more specifically otters' skin.

4th sentence: What is the significance of the item and your reason for selecting that item?

  • When Karana is 14 a group of Russians called Aleuts come on the island to hunt for otter and while they are hosting on that same island Karana keeps on complaining that she doesn't like the fact that the Aleuts are hunting since she sees the animals as their friends. 

5th sentence: How would future generations (100 years later) react to the item in the time capsule? (In your opinion and why)

  • In my opinion the future generations would be surprised when they see the skin because they would probably be more advanced so logically they wouldn't know what this is and might use it as something else rather than making clothes and carpets out of the otter. 

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