Book: The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Genre:Historic Fiction
"Mom what are you doing?" "I'm packing dear, we are moving."
Many of us have been through something similar if not same, moving to a new place, new people, strange cities etc. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is set in Austria/Germany during the time of Hitler. As we all know, those times were the cruel years, where a lot of Jews were included. The main character Bruno, his 12-year-ols sister, mother, cleaning lady(Maria) and father all live in a modern house in Vienna. Vienna is paradise for Bruno, he lives in a community full of kids, small roads and a neighborhood like any child could wish for. However one day he comes home from school and Maria is packing his luggage, they are moving to what he calls Auschwitz. As they arrived, everything is different.
Old house (Vienna) New House
Big and Cozy Big and Ugly
In a city surrounded by houses and farms Is in the middle of nowhere
Had a lot of friends There are no kids nor people
His mom tells him they might never go back again.
As they arrive to the new house, everything is boring, and Bruno can't help but cry for a long time until one day when he looks out of the window(the only window in his room). A fence, he sees a fence, what is the fence? It has wires all around it and people inside, why can't Bruno be with all those people? Brunos mother forbids him to go anywhere close to the fence, but will he?
I have a feeling Bruno wants to be with the others and not alone so he might go to the fence and meet someone. I am liking the book for now, it is definitively set in the dark times. I also find it weird that Bruno doesn't know what his dad works as, whenever someone asks him, he says: "He is very important."
I like how you compared the two houses, however in the description of the 2nd house you didn't finish your sentence. you said: in the middle of...