Title: The Story of My Life
Author: Helen Keller
Pages: 225
Genra: Autobiography
The book I chose to start with is a book written by Helen Keller herself. The woman was blind and deaf as a baby but overcame all her obsticals because she had someone by her side who believed that she wasn't alone and that she could live a happy life, just like everyone else. I am only at the beginning of the book but so far she has described her beginning life and where she grew up so vividly I can just imagine dining with her, picking flowers, making flower hats... Helen Keller was a completely normal child. Lived on a farm, with mum and dad, no siblings yet. She had her first birthday; birthday cake, candles, yummy food... Then horror struck. The baby gets fever, bad headaches. No one thinks she will survive but hey! She does! But unfortunately, the trouble is not over yet. Her parents soon discover that she has lost both her sight and her hearing. Poor young girl, now trapped in the dark without anyone to turn on the light. But everything changes when a woman Annie Sullivan comes to pull the little girl back and show her the path of life, she herself with create.
1. Who
are three people I would consider to be a great human being? Why?
In my opinion the three
greatest people that ever lived are:
-Helen Keller
Despite the fact that Helen Keller was deaf and blind, she
achieved greatly and was an inspiration to others. She was the first deaf, blind
person to graduate from college.
She went on to become a world-famous speaker and author. She is remembered as an advocate for people with disabilities amid numerous other causes. She was also a suffragist, a pacifist, a Wilson oppose, and a radical socialist.
She went on to become a world-famous speaker and author. She is remembered as an advocate for people with disabilities amid numerous other causes. She was also a suffragist, a pacifist, a Wilson oppose, and a radical socialist.
-Anne Frank
Anne Frank has been called the "human face of the
Holocaust." The diary she kept for 25 months, when she was in hiding from
the Nazis, is a life-affirming record of her spirit and hope in the face of
cruelty and danger. Her words help us in our struggle to understand how to deal
with the violence and hatred we find in the world today.
Tupac was more than just a rapper. He
was a soldier fighting against the government for the weak and poor African
Americans living in the ghetto. He was a ghetto spokes man. He exposed the government’s
corruption though his music. He brought emotion to hip hop music. He stood up
for women's rights. He truly was the greatest. He's brought about the reigning
orientation and for the next eternity, its Tupac mentality even when world
becomes a place of perfection
2. 2. Are
there commonalities in the ways in which great human beings have lived and the
choices they have made?
Yes, I believe that every great
human being has done something that makes others see them the way we do. The 4
words that come to my mind when thinking about the greatest people of all time
are: Generosity, integrity, independence, and braveness or leadership. Each of
the 3 people above demonstrated these qualities and made the world a better
3. What are three things that would make my top
Living History pick a strong entry into the museum?
Quiet ,proud, heroic, inspiring, indefatigable, dedicated, kind, intelligent , resourceful, curious, one-of-a-kind, helpful, blind, deaf, successful, headstrong, historic. Those are only some of the many words that describe the greatest human being; Helen Keller who in my opinion deserves to be in the museum. She has accomplished so much while overcoming so many obstacles that many would have gave up on. “Once I knew only darkness and stillness... my life was without past or future... but a little word from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness, and my heart leaped to the rapture of living” (Helen Keller). Those were the words spoken by this truly amazing woman who we should all acknowledge for who she is and how fat she’s come.
Very interesting blog post. I could definitely see how she could have been an inspiration to many people since she had so many issues in her life. Also, you had a very good blog post! It was interesting to see who you thought were the 3 greatest people.