Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Part 2

Pages: 341
Pages Read:341

Continuation summary:

As harry was in the girls empty bathroom plotting scams with Ron and Hermione. Moaning Murtle (Girl ghosts which haunts one of the stalls in the girls bathroom) wines about being hit in the head with a book. Harry asks who it was but she didn't know. Ask he picks up the book he reads, and finds out it is Tom Riddles Diary, the date is set 50 years ago. He realizes this diary was written on the same year as the last time the chamber was opened, 5o years ago. Harry is puzzled since there is no writing in it; however he takes it with him. He starts writing in it and Tom Riddle writes back, I know it’s creepy and impossible, but it happened in the wizard world. He asks about the wizard world, tom riddle doesn't tell him, but he shows him. Instantly harry is pulled into the book and back in time 50 years ago. Harry finds out something unexpected, that Hagrid was the one petrifying people. He at first believes it but had his doubts. In the morning the diary was gone.
While Harry and Ron were in their rooms Hermione was in the library looking to find anything about Tom Riddle while she is in the library she gets petrified by the beast. They are both terrified and devastated, but they have to move one, they know she will be fine. Since Hagrid was thought to petrify students 5o years ago and opened the chamber, they think he must have done it again, so they take him to Azgaban (wizard jail) however before Hagrid leaves, he gives Ron and harry a clue, follow the spiders. Ron is very confused, he doesn’t know what spiders and where to find them, but harry does. He saw them many times when he heard the voices. He and Ron follow them into the dark forest. They meet a huge spider named Aragog (another beast of Hagrids). He tells them the whole truth about how they suspected Hagrid since he owns many beasts however it wasn’t him, he isn’t the one doing that to all the mudbloods. Fifty years ago the thought Aragog was the beast inside and that is why they blamed Hagrid. Aragog explains that the girl who died last time was found in a bathroom, so both Ron and Harry think of moaning Murtle

They quickly run back to the campus and towards the bathroom to ask Murtle how she died. She tells them that the last thing she saw were 2 big yellow eyes next to a sink. Harry and Ron start to miss Hemione greatly, they pay her another visit. This time they find a mysterious paper clumped in her hand.  It says the answers to all their questions. It tells them that the monster in the chamber is a Basilisk (king of serpents).  Aside from its deadly venomous fangs, they have a murderous stare all who are fixed with the beam of its eye shall suffer instant death. Spiders flee before it, it is their mortal enemy, and they only thing the Basilisk flees only from the crowing of the rooster, it kills it. This answers all Harry’s questions. All the mudbloods weren’t killed because they saw the reflection of its eyes, Hermione in the mirror and the cat in the water. It explains the running spiders and the dead rooster. As well as the word pipes on the side of the paper, he realizes they travel through popes. He also realizes that the chamber is in the girl’s bathroom, one of the sinks is the entrance.
Just before Harry was about to go in the chamber they overheard professor Mcgonagall. There was another message on the wall ‘Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever’. It was a student, a student was in there, and it was Ginny Weasly.

So what do you think will happen when they go in the chamber. Will harry be able to fight the Basilisk. Will Ginny Weasly survive. Will Harry Potter come face to face with Voldemort again.  Or maybe will the petrified students survive and how. Put your thoughts in a comment bellow, I wanna hear your creative ideas.


  1. i really need to read a harry potter book sometime :D sounds cool!

  2. cool! I hope your enjoying them

  3. This sounds cool I hope your enjoying it!!!

  4. Poor Hermione. :( I enjoyed the book and the film very much!
