Jane Austen
5 girls in the Bennet family are all eager to get married. Recently Mr. Collins, the Bennet girls cousin, married a friend of theirs, Charlotte. She moved into his house and because he was such an awful man she invited Elizabeth to go and visit her. Elizabeth was the second oldest Bennet daughter. Jane, the oldest was staying in London with her aunt and uncle. While Elizabeth was with Charlotte a man she had recently been acquainted with, Mr. Darcy. During her stay there he proposed to her. She having prejudice against him rejected him while stating all the things she had against him. The next day he came up to her and gave her a letter. In the letter it stated the truth about all of the things she had against him. As she read it over and over again she realized that what she thought about him was all wrong and she started to like him more. After she returned home to Longbourne Elizabeth went on another trip with her aunt and uncle to a place near to where Mr. Darcy's home was. When Elizabeth's aunt and uncle heard that Mr. Darcy's home was open to visit they decided to go. Back then Rich People would normally made it so that people could go to their houses to visit because their houses were sort of like museums. Elizabeth asked the housekeeper of the house if Mr. Darcy was at home and she was relieved when the answer was no. After they looked around a bit they went to the outside garden. While walking around Mr. Darcy came out of a shed in the garden. Elizabeth could not believe that he was here and she did not know what to feel. Elizabeth was glad that they did not have the time to converse. Later Elizabeth went to see if she had gotten any letters from the post office. The letter was from her older sister Jane. It said that Lydia, her youngest sister had just eloped with Mr. Whickham, a greedy man who wanted everything his own way and would only really marry for money. This was horrible for Elizabeth and she went out to get her aunt and uncle immediately. As Elizabeth was leaving the post office Mr. Darcy came into the post office. Mr. Darcy sent his servant after Elizabeth's aunt and uncle and he talked to Elizabeth. She told him what had happened with her sister. He knew quite how Elizabeth felt because Mr. Whickham had almost eloped with his own sister.
I can not wait to read the rest of the book to see what will happen.
I think that the most significant difference that I have noticed as we read the book was that my mom actually understood the book as we read and for the most part I was confused. My mom has read this book many times before that she has lost count. This makes it easier for her to understand the book. My mom is also older than me and has a wider range of vocabulary than me, which helps her to understand it much more than I do.
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